Sunday, December 10, 2006

Revised Essential Question

Post your revised Question to this.



Anonymous said...

The arts have been know to help "save" people; but not everyone has access to them. Some because of money and others because of location. What then can the modern day performer do to help share their knowledge of the arts to those who may not be able to experience it?

Anonymous said...

Different bands and performers have held benefit concerts over the years to raise money for underprivleged children and adults. What are some other ways that musicians can do to help raise money and awareness in order to better the community?

Anonymous said...

every one has role models. and people in the performing arts may stand out more because they are widly seen. how can being a performing artist help influwince the new generation to stay away from drugs, alcohol, ect. and making smarter decisions.

Anonymous said...

hey mike i rally like your comment

Anonymous said...

Parents will not let their children see performances that are not rated for their age group. As an artist, you can either perform for adult only audiences, or be involved in a show that appeals to all audiences. Most adults’ interests consist of violence, profane language, and sexual references. You would not be subjected to such topics at an all audience show or performance, and still be entertained. What can I do as a professional artist to entertain children and their families in a positive way?

Anonymous said...

Do artists boast about their charity and global involvement to sell records and make money?

Anonymous said...

From Eric Clapton to Jimi Hendrix, musicians have depended on drugs to write their lyrics. From stairway to heaven, to lucy in the sky with diamonds, there are so many songs with so many indirect references to drugs.

Why do musicians rely so much on drugs to make a living?

Anonymous said...

You can go almost anywhere and watch a theatrical performance. Depending upon where you go may depend on how the performance is done and ran. From community theatres, stage companies, Broad way, and high school performances there can be differences in how it draws and affects the community. Most Broad way shows are expensive and the economically unstable community often can’t afford to attend one of these events. Where as they have a higher chance in attending a high school production because the cost is usually lower. What can the theatre community do to bring entertainment to the stage and deliver it to an economically unstable audience who can't afford to go to a Broad way performance?

Anonymous said...

Some people are just so good at music. They can just pick up an instrument and play it. What is the prosses it takes to be that good.

Are people born with this tallent, or do they learn it? If they learn it, what is the prosses it takes to learn it?

Anonymous said...

Some people are born with talents and gain the knowledge to become a talented artist.

Does society recognize your for the talents that you have or your physical talents ? Is fame built more on who you know over what you know ?

Anonymous said...

Media portrays dancers as being skinny and perfect. What does being a perfect do to the performing artists?

Anonymous said...

people have been going to shows throughout history, many of the ticket prices are very expensive. are producers and actors working to make some performances more affordable?

In the past many actors have had trouble finding jobs. now, the same thing is happening, lots of actors few performances. do the producers realise this is happening, and are they doing anything to change it?

Anonymous said...

Media portrays dancers as bine gskinny and perfect. How does the dancers and their effect the people in society?