Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tuesday's Glam Band Jam in Boston Common

Right off the bat on a brisk Tuesday Morning the mad scrilled filled Performing Art group performed for their community.

What: Playing on trash cans, bottles, railings, and some rad tap dancing in the Boston Common Kazeebo.

When: Tuesday Morning from 9:30 to 11:00

Where: Boston Common

Who:The performing art crew and an audience large enough to knock your socks RIGHT OFF

Why: To get a taste of street performing

Group Thoughts: It was a slow start and we didn't have a lot of instuments. It was totally sick and mad skrill filled.


Anonymous said...

Jammin at the gazebo was sick man. We set up our trash-can and snapple bottles so we could make some music. the experience was fun, some people stoped to watch and listen to us play. we got some money for it too. overall it was a good time. "Rock on man!"-Louis L.

Anonymous said...

The day started out with us doubting our own ability and almost regretting our idea to jam on the street on paint buckets and garbage cans and such. We were unprepared for this so we were very close to saying no lets not do it. We got up there, anyway, turned a trash can upsde down, got our drumsticks and tap shoes out, and started rockin out. Once we started playing we really got into it and found it hard to put our sticks down. We started attracting people over and one lady was kind enough to give us ten dollars. It was a great experience and I had a lot of fun. In the words of Simon Jacobs, "That was wet!"

Anonymous said...

CHEA thats right, i banged on sum drums and i danced around and tapped, i didn't tap dance tho, but still i did it son, and guess what...IT WAS WET!

Anonymous said...

Although i wasn't permorming, it was very interesting watching peoples reactions to the performance. We asked people about it, and it was interesting hearing what people on the street had to say about it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It was fun even though i left my tap shoes back at the hostel. I still got to tap dance. and we made ten bucks from a very nice lady. You could see people noticing us as they walked by. Some people even stopped to whatch.