Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Misha's essay

Some people are born with talents and gain the knowledge to become a talented artist.

Does society recognize the talents that you have or your physical talents?

It is without a doubt that society is prejudice and they have a bios opinion about talent. I have been a victim of my own thoughts and anger. As we walked, observed and judged I noticed that my first impression of street performers was that these men, who had no future and decided to beg for money which they wouldn’t have to work for. As we either listened to there music style, spoke to them and even performed next to them, I know that I learned that they are human, they deserve the same respect that we all have earned.

To answer the question of physical beauty over visual beauty one has to understand the fact that we as human beings need the feeling of belonging to something. Man has turned to religion to have a sense of success and belonging. These sensations are what have driven us, as men, to satisfaction. In today’s world man, seeks success in materials and relation with celebrities. The idea of need and want bring us to doubt and to judge people.

Let’s look at our past and let’s look at the rich and the famous. Pamela Anderson a great example of society recognizing someone for there physical talent and not her actual acting talents, which she greatly lacks, has been recognize ever since she entered the entertainment business with Baywatch, barely ever spoke a word in the television show but men would line up to get a glimpse of the star and people would watch the show simply to see her walk on the beach.

Now let’s look at the other end of it Rosie O’Donnell a fairly poor actor, not going to lie, I am terrible sorry that I must also judge her appearance but she simply does not do it for many of us. The thing is she simply gets a lot of publicity and lots of news time but she is recognized for her lack of physical talent. In this way maybe society is actually attracted to the people who have physical talent and to those who do not have it because we are simply shallow and we look up to celebrities and de-humanize those who have tried and failed.

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