Friday, March 13, 2009

Final Project

Music Playlist at

1 comment:

Betsy Finer said...

Hey, guys! I loved reading and hearing about what you did while in Boston and, except for the fact that I couldn't be there with you, I am so pleased with how things turned out! Nice job on the original lyrics for the union 40 group. It's funny how in a moment of awareness we can be drawn out of ourselves into caring about something bigger than ourselves. I just watched the movie MILK last night (the best Sean Penn performance I've ever seen) and am humbled by the courage of people willing to take the risk to stand up for what they believe in in order to bring attention to the injustices, the unacceptable affronts to human rights and dignity. Anyhow, way to go, and congrats to all. Big thanks to Max, Ms. Shepp, and Mr. Mundahl for pulling it together. I'll always believe in the power of music- "power to the people!"
- Mrs. Hop-along Finer