Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sunday Night Assignment

Hello All,

Please write responses to the following two prompts. Your response to each prompt should be a minimum of two paragraphs.

1. What is your driving question? What leads to your interest in that question (this could include life experiences, things you have read about, observations you have made in the world, or other things)? What questions do you plan to ask the people we interview to help you answer your driving question? How do you think your driving question helps our group to answer our larger question?

2. Before we go to Boston, please reflect on your personal answer to our big question: Can a song save the world? What do you think? If yes, then how? If no, then why not? How have your own experiences with music impacted your answer?

**Please respond to these questions through the comment section. Your "nickname" should be your first name and last initial. Remember that you are publishing your work to an open forum. Read over your responses before you post!


Anonymous said...

My driving question is 'How can Gospel music influence society?' I am a Pentecostal Christian and Gospel music is a big part of my life. It's basically all that I listen to. I plan to ask some people 1.Have they ever listened to Gospel? 2. What are their feelings toward that style? 3. Do you think it can influence society?
This can help our question because if gospel can influence society, in a good way that is, it can help save the world.

Anonymous said...

I do think that a song can save the world. Most people react to music positively and any message that is put into a song people tend to remember. A song is a very powerful tool. If there wasn't any music in the world then the world would be a boring place.

Anonymous said...

My driving question is "Can a song make you a better person?"I'm a musician and i feel like if i didn't listen to the variety of music that I do then I wouldn't be the type of person that i'am now. I plan to ask people what type of music do they listen to? How does music effect their life?Does music have a big effect on the way they look at life?
This helps our big question because if we get the perspectives of different people then we can get a sort of an idea on why people behave the way they do.

Anonymous said...

Can music save the world. I think music can save the world but its not going to happen over night. It takes time and its great if one person responds positive to a positive messaged song, because if one person is affected then that means thousands more can be affected and start to take charge.I agree with what Breya said.